Torrente Serra



  • Level:
  • Duration of activity:
    2 hours
  • Total duration:
    3 hours
  • Access:
    10 minutes
  • Return:
    10 minutes
  • Period:
    April – May | September – October
  • Starting from:
    12 years
  • Mandatory dive:
    2 meters
  • Mandatory descent:
    5 meters
  • Price:
    60 euros / person

Torrente Serra

The Torrente Serra is undoubtedly the most fun canyon in Versilia and the one most easily reached from the coast.

It is located in Tuscany A few kilometres from the sea on the slopes of Monte Altissimo we find a surprising natural environment, a small tropical corner in the Apuan Alps. The white rock of the stream bed and the clear water create a unique atmosphere.

Practicable from April, the descent is perfect during the spring and autumn months. In the summer months, however, the water level drops considerably and the stream bed is dry in several areas.

The Torrente Serra is ideal for a half-day activity, two fun hours in the midst of nature. The optional nature of all obstacles and the relaxing environment traversed make the route particularly suitable for those who want to discover the canyoning or for large groups, such as hen and stag parties, where we often find more or less sporty, more or less fearful people.

From the meeting point, we drive along the Serra valley and in about ten minutes we reach the low car park, where the material is distributed. Here we leave some cars with dry clothes and towels; with the others we go up a few kilometres to the high car park.

It is also possible to walk to the start with an easy half-hour walk. From the high car park we reach the bed of the Serra stream in ten minutes.

Before starting the river descent, you will receive all the necessary information on safety and progression in the torrent. Following the downward sloping riverbed, we find a series of small waterfalls, where we pass between large boulders until we reach the first short rope abseil. The route features five rope abseils, all very simple, perfect for initiating the group into the technique and gaining confidence and mastery of the manoeuvre. Along the course of the Serra stream, there are a few dives of varying heights but never compulsory.

Torrente Serra, a wild environment in the heart of Versilia

The descent of the Serra torrent takes place in a wild yet pleasantly relaxing environment. Surely the most characteristic and spectacular part is the central one, where we find the famous Malbacco Pool with its impressive toboggan: the waterfall has carved and smoothed a vertical and narrow slide that ends in a large clear pool. Here you can let yourself slide down the 12-metre toboggan with a thrilling and adrenaline-fuelled passage or you can rope down. From this pool we enter the narrowest part of the stream, with a short cave passage. Shortly afterwards the stream opens up again and on the left we find the path that first leads us back to the road and then to the cars with the dry change.

If you were satisfied with the experience and want to repeat it by trying a more adventurous torrent, we invite you to Rio Selvano, the most beautiful and fun canyon in Tuscany, or read where to go Canyoning in Tuscany


General Information

The Torrente Serra rises at Monte Altissimo and flows into the River Vezza right at the municipality of Seravezza, hence the name. Just a few kilometres from the famous Versilia and its beaches, it offers a fun and varied route that lends itself perfectly to a first canyoning experience.
It can be reached quickly from the motorway by anyone who wants to spend a few days in Tuscany.

Vertical features

The route is not long, just over half a kilometre, but has a series of rises and falls of varying heights all the way down alternating with short areas of easy walking. The most spectacular and exciting part is certainly the central one, where the famous 12-metre slide is located.

The rope abseils, which are never complicated, are ideal for getting started in a relaxing environment. The technique of this manoeuvre will be demonstrated and taught to you in a gradual and progressive manner until you can perform it independently.

Water features

Practicable from April, the descent is possible until mid-June. During the summer period, in fact, the water flow is considerably reduced and the descent is then less interesting.
The swimming areas are short and limited to the exit of the pools.
The water temperature and the sunshine make the descent always pleasant.


Il percorso del torrente Serra è aperto e soleggiato per tutta la discesa.

E’ possibile uscire rapidamente dal letto del fiume a ogni momento e raggiungere il sentiero che costeggia il torrente sulla riva sinistra. Ideale quindi anche nelle giornate di tempo incerto.

Da notare come tutti gli ostacoli siano facilmente aggirabili, il che rende la discesa adatta anche ai più timorosi o a gruppi di vario livello e motivazione.

Get in touch with us!


Phone: +39 328 4697777
